Friday, June 5, 2009


Our friend Annie is going to be a sophomore at the University of D_____. Last summer she worked in Dickie B's law office being a gal Friday, but this summer she decided to make big bucks and work on a construction site. As Annie says: "Gotta make bank!"

On said site there is a 60+ year old co-worker who, of course, feels compelled to harass young Annie and generally creep everyone the frig out. One of his fave folksy/scumbag dictums is the directive "Come on now - walk dirty for papaw!"

When I first heard people laughing over this I thought it was "talk dirty..." and so failed to see the hilarity. One second hearing, howevs, the sheer genius of his adjuration was abundantly clear.

I mean, right now, say it out loud, in your best creepy, countrified old man drawl:

Walk dirty for papaw...

I mean, it's the new WWJD!

I expect my co-worker mentioned here ( ) to be all over this, come fall 2016!

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