Tuesday, June 2, 2009


Debut of Nick Eddy Regrets, the official corrections area of this here, um, organ (Nick Eddy Resents is something else entirely)!

This debut correction (well, I may have had some, but first official one starts now) has naught to do with the blog, but rather a life error I've been making for aeons.

Reading Ada on my Nabokov kick[sample sentence (p.68: "Uncle Dan in an overstuffed chair was trying to read, with the aid of one of the dwarf dictionaries for undemanding tourists which helped him to decipher foreign art catalogues, an article apparently devoted to oystering in a Dutch-language illustrated paper somebody on the train had abandoned opposite him - when an abominable tumult started to spread from room to room through the whole house.") - pray for me!] , I came upon the word "remuneration" and was bummed that even VN had to put up with typos.
But, wait! It IS remuneration not renumeration as it has been in my head since 1972 or whenever. I would guess the mun is for money as opposed to num for numbers, maybe, as I had foolishly thought*.

So I am using the internet to make a mea culpa to anyone whom I may have offended or made to suffer over the years with this thoughtless and miserable misusage.

* I also hope this is part of my longed-for undiagnosed dyslexia, which would a.) make me quite smart and high-functioning for as bad as my affliction must be and b.) would explain why I am a poor. Maybe, with some coaching, I will really read fast and even end up head of North Korea!

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