Friday, April 17, 2009

Been saying this for five or ten years,

but didn't have a blog then:

I don't have any tattoos, myself, though when Biscuit dies I will probably have to get her tattooed somewhere...maybe on the other cat; and I used to think that I should just get Nick Eddy inked on my atrophied bicep, in advance of my body being found in a pile during some sort of A Boy and His Dog-style nuclear end-time, until a friend helpfully pointed out that someone could just machete off my arm and then where would I be?

But when Mike Tyson added the cliched (well, but for location) "tribal" marks to his fizzog, I realized then that the BEST tattoo would be to have Mike Tyson's tattooed face tattooed (in miniature, maybe in Gary Panter style, or Roz Chast) ON MY FACE!


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