Thursday, April 30, 2009

A blog IS a cruel mistress,

yes, but sometimes even I must stop searching the ephemera of daily life for items worth parsing.

Hence a pic from last Saturday of me Pheeshing With Pheel!

Backward ballcap denotes strength of sun/lack of sunscreen.

At about ten o'clock from where I'm positioned are a group of Japanese nationals who were traversing that patch of woods. Birdwatching? I just hope that they didn't take my popped collar (an extra hedge against sunburn - and it worked, so suck it!) as some sort of statement.
"We saw an old man with his collar popped fishing!"*, they say, when they are safely back on Honshu.

Also, saw multiple red-winged blackbirds, which was, of course, ace:

* translated from the Japanese

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