Wednesday, April 15, 2009

The only five good songs I heard crossing a third of the US

1. MGMT - "Kids"

2. REM - "Losing My Religion"

3. 1/2 of Beatles - "You're Gonna Lose That Girl"

4. Beyonce - "Put A Ring On It," which, while not actually "good" in any kind of traditional way has going for it: a) it NEVER sounds like the same song to me twice (and this may depend on where I am sitting in the car at a given time of its playing) and b.) that third line in the chorus where it sort of goes up? I think? "somethin somethin somethin' put a ring on it?"- never fails to make me strain to hear exactly what is going in "Mr Disco" where the drum machine seems to create an inescapable vacuum in the headphones, and any straining I will count as exercise.

5. Beastie Boys - "No Sleep Til Brooklyn"...this song, I am apprised, is practically a Classic Rock standard now, which kills me, because it is proto-mook bullshit of the highest order. I probably hadn't heard it in at least ten years, and then heard it TWICE in a day. Still, the had-to-be-one-take solo by Kerry King of Slayer is likely the sloppiest guitar break on generic commercial radio, so that must be applauded. I guess.

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