Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Prague doomsaying! You heard it here last!

One of my oracular* coworkers came by just now to say that "this guy in Prague" (pictured, left) has prophesied that someone will set off a nuclear device (quickly assessed to be one of those "Russian suitcase nukes") on Friday when the President is in the Czech Republic. This, according to some "ancient text." I can just see it:

A leader of a great nation will come to the land of vampyres [sic] and his wife will look snazzy in her J. Cru [sic]. He likes to play the game of baskets and balls, is very personable then BOOM.

Anyway, if this comes to pass, you heard it here first!

* Also, speaking of matters Oracular..., I hadn't given a damn about MGMT all that much, but this song is killer, I have decided:

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