Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Help is on the way

I work (no, really) in a tech sort of field (you can tell by my MS Paint skills!) and have for some time and I can say I feel another money bubble coming on...

I have not really seen mentioned anywhere just what an effect the Y2K runup spending had on the robust economy of the late nineties and how it can relate to our present predicament. I just know that every company and mother with a scanner was were, in 1999, rushing out and buying all sorts of new machines and whanot so as not to lose their high scores on Defender. But directly after the ZDNet-covered frenzy wound down, the spending stopped and doldrums set in by March of 2000!

Now, of course, all the crap that was bought on credit over the last 200 years is coming back to haunt us all - but there is hope!

My modest proposal: that everyone who buys a convertor box for their old non-cable TVs?...while they are out getting them, that they also buy a sandwich. Like, a seven dollar meatball sub.


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