Wednesday, December 3, 2008

L.M. Boyd

My mother, if she could fathom computers and see my humble blog, would shake her head, tut and say "Why, anyone can see you fancy yourself a cyber-era L.M. Boyd! This is a disgrace!"

And, man, would she ever be right!

How I miss the daily trivia column that ran for the years of my youth! Easily cuttable for the editors of the amusement pages (should Ann Landers go long with a particularly hot one) but always full of great facts, bluntly stated, such as "Skunks eat bees." or "The guitar is a popular instrument for the starting musician because it's easy to start, but then you can never get good enough" [papaphrase] or "It was illegal by decree in bygone Cambodia to insult a rice plant."

SO megaglad I thought of writing this because I found the picture above (the only other photo I'd ever seen of the great man [a Seattle native, if you wondered] was the one that ran beside his column for years, where he looked like a Johnson Space Center employee on break, flattop and all, oh, and btw: England's terminally sick kings traditionally pardoned all prisoners except murderers and thieves) where L.M.(d.2004) sits around all old-guy hip/casual (though I'd have preferred something more Look Book); also, it lead to my finding THIS!:

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