Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Breaking glass

Woke up at 4:30 this morning, with the firm, grim certitude that I was awake for keeps (fading now, of course). So I got up to troll the seas of the internet for various musical flotsam I "needed." All nice and legal. Yep.

I stood up to get the car insurance paperwork out of my satchel to glance at it and was away from my fresh morning glass of H2O for no more than, what, eight seconds?, when a certain hellish PigBeast hopped right on the dining table and KA-PLISH! went water, glass and ice everywhere.

Now, I know my part in all this. I had the unmitigated temerity to pour a glass of water and think I could safely leave it on its own for less than ten seconds.*

What was I thinking?

* squiggly writing is important!

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