Monday, March 23, 2009

More proof things were acres better before my birth

Just look at this picture of my family in 1958. Not only can all these lucky folks pile in the car and go see Vertigo at the first run drive-in, but check the poignant light on the floor of a type they don't make anymore and the general good taste of my aunt and uncle's house. Not that I grew up in a hippie pad decorated with god's eyes, though it was the 70's. But my mom (2nd left, standing) and dad (on floor with baby on lap) actually look happy. When I arrived it was all neighborhood divorces and SALT II talks.

I also like the mysterious sleeve at left of photo. Not sure who this was, but now I realize it is actually the spectre of DEATH! Death would wear such boss cuff links. And he's gesturing like "Boy! Bring me a Grant's!"

(click on pic to enlarge, if you dare, and see that my dad is trying to enter a Me lookalike contest)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nice looking crew. That little guy on Grandma's lap is the cutest thing.