Thursday, March 26, 2009

That sculptor dude

You know, the one whose name I'm too lazy to look up, who did the Britney Spears giving birth and Prince Harry's funeral and whose name I'm too lazy to look up? Well, he's weighed in on Octomom and it's a doozy:

Now, some people will scoff at this guy (I really should look up his name) but I think, and I'm in the minority, that his work reflects current events the same way Warhol doing portraits of newly-deceased Marilyn Monroe or grieving Jackie Kennedy reflected his, but Sculpy's outre beyond-Koons vulgarity is proportionate to just how much more gross the current times are. The Philip K Dickiness of a crazy woman (herself surgically sculpted) being famous for having eight babies at once is more than someone in 1962 would have thought possible. The creepy pink is great as well.
While on matters Suleman, saw a woman who looked like her, only worse, at Chipotle the other night - which begged the question: was she a shitty Suleman or a shitty shittier Jolie?
[Daniel Edwards is the dude's name]

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