Tuesday, March 17, 2009

The exact moment the GOP collapsed 4evs

When I was young, the GOP was all repp ties and George Will types, or so it is in my imperfect memory. Whatever you think of the policies, one could sort of tell what each of the parties represented, or purported to.

So why are the Republicans now the party of country music and NASCAR bullshit?

It all goes back to Lee fuckin' Atwater and his blooz guitar (rest in peace). Look, we can boogie! We can cut loose! We don't have to get CRRRAZY on just that one weekend of the year when we get a sitter 'cos Buffett's coming!

See, this is wrong. Republicans should listen to old Glenn Miller comps and maybe pre-'67 Beatles if they are really "far out." EXCLUSIVELY.

Nothing stays the same, but the co-optation of old Southern democrat mores and tastes is why these dorks find themselves so marginalized. When Sean Hannity touts his Big Amurrican Concerts or whatever and it's all Lee "I Look Just Like Yakov Smirnoff" Greenwood and other faux-yokels, it's pandering to the basest, crassest populace. Barring those folks with the tattooes necks, natch.

So, anyway, when there's only one party eventually and no debate on anything at all (like there is now?, he pondered) just remember that it all started with Lee Atwater.

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