Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Lady Chatterley

With the inauguration upon us and everyone all a-dither, I'm of course reading Lady Chatterley's Lover [?].

It's really good! Even if old DH looks like he'd be the sound man for Fleet Foxes or something ("More snare?"). Or a weather-beaten "where are they now?" of little Henry from ET.

First line is EPIC:

Ours is essentially a tragic age, so we refuse to take it tragically.

Had I known of that at the time, that just may have been the slogan for this here blog!

And yes, it's dirty, but not offensively so, by today's (admittedly repulsive) standards. It's more in the revelatory vein that people have always had sex and complicated sex lives.

Also, he keeps talking about "colliers" every five words or so, so I left my toasty six-blanket bed to traipse to the dictionary last night and saw that a collier is a coal-miner! Never knew this, so: thank you, DH!

(also: now listening to Welcome to the Pleasuredome, because it's a new age and it's all about pleasure and Fairlight synthesizers, as you know)

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