Monday, January 5, 2009

Orange cats = always dudes? FALSE

Was told recently that all orange cats are males. This is not true, on researching it - perhaps as many as 25% of orange cats are chicks.

99% of calicos and torties are girls, though. This has something to do with recessive genes, X and Y chromosomes, etc.

But, seriously, I never said I was Mendeleev. So, like, get off my back.

Also, all cats rule and need homes. Get on it in 2009.


Rob said...

Well now my inner nerd is going to come out...

Mendeleev invented the periodic table of elements. The father of modern genetics was Gregor MENDEL. Am told he owned some 90+ cats, all of them calicos, like a bizarre feline harem.

Anonymous said...

feline harem or kitten bagger? you decide!