Friday, January 30, 2009

Technique is 20

New Order's Technique came out twenty years ago today.

I remember this especially because I had flunked out of college; yet, being a drunken chickenshit, I went back to school and pretended to be trying to get reinstated until the head dorm res dude said enough was enough. So my poor disappointed parents had to come pick me up.

But then 1989 turned out to be fantastic in the end. So you never know.

I will say this record still holds up. I have a zillion memories, but one that stands out is driving to the little municipal airport near my college town with my then-girlfriend and some friends for some reason...I was on crutches (broken foot - drunk!) and it was a lovely fall day and "Vanishing Point" was playing, all the drying corn stalks looking 1989 cornstalks.

All is not lost, however, my sloppy sentimentalist friends! 2009 is already shaping up to be a banner year music-wise, which is good, since it will be the last year of the human race, apparently. But check it (March!):

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