Wednesday, January 14, 2009


As I am the Neil Tennant of my apartment, I woke up this morning with an idea for a musical gestating in my giant, misshapen noggin:


Yes, a musical based on the mysterious "impact event" in the Russian outback on June 30, 1908!

I see a first act that familiarizes us with some of the local peasantry, and closes with a blinding flash! [refreshments] Act 2: scientists in the late 1990's trying to figure out just what happened, with both the characters from Act 1 moving around all spectre-like behind a scrim upstage!

Songs include "Porridge Again!", "Knocked Flat (By Either A Piece of a Comet, a Shard of Anti-matter, an Extraterrestrial Construct of Some Sort [Unlikely], Or Your Love!)" and "Chris Carter On Line One."

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