Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Bushmiller in 08!

Nancy, as done by Ernie Bushmiller, fully ruled. After Bushmiller died, the syndicated tried to keep it alive, but tried to have Nancy and Sluggo playing Missile Command or other such jarring intriniscally non-Nancy type activities, which should include things such as bugging Aunt Fritzi or blowing soap bubbles.
There was a Nancy collection published in 1989 or so; it can be found on the internet. There is a quotation in it that says "Any strip that can be around as long as Nancy has, and not be funny once, really must have something going for it."
Also in the funny papers, I have adduced to within a few days when Doonesbury started sucking irrevocably: 1.) arrival of grating "Ron Headrest" Reagan character and 2.) forsaking of static "same panel" layout where all the action takes place in the same room or scene, for such cinematic yet non-Doonesbury panel setups as closeups, backlighting, etc.
The Uncle Duke collection with action figure was a brilliant idea, though.

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