Friday, August 15, 2008


So - amidst all the talk of Julia Child being a CIA operative (a story which will launch a thousand New Yorker Casual submissions along the lines of: "June 12: I must have jet lag...when M. Pompidou said there was going to be a bombe, I got under the table! Blasted homophones!" etc) is word that General Jack D Ripper himself, Sterling Hayden, was indeed also a secret agent! And Ralph Bunche! And Arthur Schlesinger! And Miles "Dad of Stewart" Copeland, which is likely why the band was called the Police!

Maybe even my dad! I doubt he will remember. I will ask him, as he walks his cat on a leash.

I wonder about the timing...with the Cold War SO back, is the gubmint now trying to recruit Pete Wentz and Audrina from The Hills to take a stand for freedom? Or will more personages of the past be revealed as haters of freedom? Like that guy that wrote that book that makes kids into non-ambitious cynics and shooters of musicians!:


(check my fresh MSPaint skills! I'm available!)

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