Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Cheever Fever - even cats have it!

Here is a pic of my beloved cat Biscuitmarie. She's 14.5 and fabulous!

I sent this to Stuff on My Cat multiple times to no avail. I may have sent it in too large a format or some other computer-related gibberish I won't pretend to understand.

The little portrait inset is my parents' cat DC. My brother. He has power of attorney on them and looks a bit like Colonel Sanders.

This is all as a reminder that Blake Bailey's Cheever bio is coming out in March.

Want to get ahead of the curve afore all the magazines have their inevitable excerpts and say here that John Cheever was a genius and you should check him out if you've never. PLUS, maybe the survivors will get it together and re-issue all the uncollected stories, because they could make a mint and of course son Ben went to Antioch and could likely use the money. Brooks Brothers ain't cheap.

"Then it is dark; it is a knight when kings in golden suits ride elephants over the mountains."

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