Thursday, August 28, 2008

Taschen! Wake up!

The Russians are all cranky and trying to stir up the UN and invade Poland and give Ahmadenijad a golden ticket to the Kremlin's little known combination executive men's lav/centrifuge room...the Cold War is back! Dig!

Maybe this fresh awakening of the sleeping, ursine warrior-state will get someone off their collective publishing ass and see to the publishing of a coffeetable book of the best of the Soviet-era posters and propaganda art. It can even be one of those little ones, like the Christmas one they were flogging (I'm told) at Old Navy (ick) the other year.

I should be able to go into a Half-Price Books anywhere and walk right up to a pile of these. Unless the interminable delay is in fact a tribute to the old "five-year plan"-type Soviet production schedules, where one could wait six years to win a chance at a Trabant. If so, this is misguided. Hurry! I want this book to exist BEFORE IT'S TOO LATE!

Someone was doing a blog on this topic, then tired of it, I suppose:


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