Thursday, August 21, 2008

Welcome, avian overlords!

Lately I see more and more large birds, birds of prey...soaring in slow circles, waiting to grab an infant vole clumsily scurrying 200 yards away or some such. Saw a hawk/falcon/dino-bird sitting on a ground-level highway sign the other night. Just sitting there, chilled, maybe thinking of picking a nit from his plumage, but, withal, not that bothered.

Still - welcome! I'm glad to see them, and am too afraid to look on the web and see that I should feel guilty that they are displaced because some mid-level management dork from DigiYawn just had to have that split level (and so close to the highway!). And the eagle is close to being taken off the endangered species list, so suburban dells will soon ring anew with the sound of troubled neighborhood teens using potato guns to peg them with impunity.

Just surprised to see so many of them. Maybe things aren't really that bad?


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